Can CBD Oil Help Dogs with Anxiety and Reactivity?

Dogs are curious animals with far more intelligence and trainability than we often give them credit for. They possess an uncanny ability to understand human emotions, especially in their owners. As a result of this emotional connection, dogs can develop behavioral conditions when their owners are experiencing depression or anxiety. This is particularly common during times that are stressful for the owner or the dog.

These behavioral conditions may include:

Aggression and Reactivity: When a dog gets anxious, it can become aggressive and even violent in some cases. For example, if their owner is attacked while walking the dog or when someone comes to the door during a thunderstorm, your pet might begin barking uncontrollably or snarling.

Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome: This condition develops in older dogs when they become disoriented, apathetic, and have a hard time processing basic information. They might not recognize their owner or remember where the food bowl is. Dogs with this syndrome may also experience changes in their sleeping habits, such as sleeping more or waking up earlier than usual.

Anxiety: This is the most common condition in pets. When a dog becomes anxious, it can become destructive and extremely vocal, digging at doors or walls to escape whatever is bothering them. They might also urinate or defecate indoors if they feel stressed out by a guest or even their own shadow.

CBD oil can help each of these conditions for your pet, although the results vary depending on the severity of their anxiety or whether they are experiencing cognitive dysfunction.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD oil, also called cannabidiol (cannabis oil), is a natural product that has recently gained immense popularity as a supplement thanks to its wide variety of benefits. It is a cannabinoid that comes from the cannabis plant, but unlike THC or tetrahydrocannabinol – which is the compound in marijuana that gets people high – CBD does not have any psychoactive properties.

It has been shown to have a wide range of medical benefits for both humans and animals. In dogs, it can help with anxiety or aggression, but it has also been known to alleviate symptoms of pain and seizures.

How Does CBD Oil Work?

CBD oil contains an active compound called cannabidiol acid (CBDA), which is converted into the more familiar and well-known cannabidiol (CBD) when it is heated or comes in contact with oxygen.

CBDA is more of an antioxidant than CBD, but it also has many of the same benefits. These include pain relief, lessening the risk of heart disease, protecting brain cells, and slowing or preventing tumor growth. It can also help with arthritis by inhibiting the enzymes that break down cartilage in your pet’s joints.

Studies have shown that CBD can improve the function of your pet’s cardiovascular, digestive, neurological, and immune systems. It also helps reduce blood sugar levels in both dogs and humans with diabetes by increasing insulin sensitivity.

Can CBD Oil Help Dogs With Anxiety? recently stated that CBD oil can help with anxiety, but like all medical treatments for pet behavior problems, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Some dogs will relax and become less reactive when taken orally, while others may experience only a mild improvement or none at all.

When trying to calm your dog down, it’s important that you give them enough CBD oil to have an effect. If you are using the drops, give the bottle a good shake first so that you know how much is being dispensed. Then simply place a few drops of oil on your pet’s food or into their mouth if they will accept it.

CBD oil is not processed through either the liver or kidneys, so it is safe to give to your pet even if they have a pre-existing medical condition.

Be aware that some dogs may become more anxious or aggressive after taking CBD oil, but only because of the placebo effect. This is common with any homeopathic treatment, so be sure to start with a low dose and work up slowly until you find the right amount.
